
The ninty.fourth day of personal traning.

The ninty-third day of personal traning.

The ninty second day of personal traning.


2018年5月27日 パーソナルトレーニング開始前 乗ってますねー(*゚∀゚)アヒャヒャ 仕上がってますね(中年オッサン的な意味で) なんとも・・・締まりのない 上腕二頭筋と上腕三頭筋ですね(¯―¯٥) 2019年8月27日 パーソナルトレーニング3ヶ月経過 だいぶガリガリになりまし…

The ninty-first day of personal traning.

The nintieth day of personal traning.

The eighty-ninth day of personal traning.

The eighty-eighth day of personal traning.

The eighty-seventh day of personal traning.

The eighty-sixth day of personal traning.

The eighty-fifth day of personal traning.

The eighty-fourth day of personal traning.

The eighty-third day of personal traning.

The eighty-second day of personal traning.

The eighty-first day of personal traning.

The eightieth day of personal traning.

The seventy-fifth day of personal traning.

The seventy-fourth day of personal traning.

The sevent-third day of personal traning.

The seventy-second of personal traning.

The seventy-first day of personal tpcning.

The seventieth of personal traning.

The sixty-ninth of personal traning.

The siyty-eighth of personal traning.

The sixty-seventh of personal traning.

The sixty-sixth day of personal traning.

The sixty-fifth day of personal traning.

The sixty-fourth day of personal traning.